Use case: more time with friends

So you want to spend more time IRL with friends, and maybe even meet some new friends. Assuming you've already downloaded the app and signed up, here are a few steps to get started:

Fill out your profile

Joinable not only makes it easy to share activity ideas with friends, but it also helps you see shared interested you may not have realized. By sharing a little about yourself, you expand the possibilities for connection.

Add interest Circles

Circles are interests and association that can be used to find people with shared passions. Selecting Circles both signals activities you'd be interested in and provides a way to only engage with people with that interest. Learn more about Circles

Create your first couple activities

These can be anything from a concert you’d like to attend to an intention to take a walk. The goal is to create opportunities to connect. They aren’t commitments — they’re just ideas that spark conversation and help turn the ideas into reality. Learn more about creating activities.

Start with one connection

It doesn’t take much to get value from Joinable. You only need one other person who lives in your area and is interested in spending more time with you in person. Inviting more people creates more opportunities, but you can start with one. When you send the invite, they will be greeted with your activity ideas. Learn more about inviting others to join. 

Share with an existing group 

When you're ready, share your intentions to connect more broadly. You can share activities with a chat or Whatsapp group as a link. This link will allow your friends to participate without needing to download the app. While the experience is better with the app, some people would rather stick with text messaging — and that's ok! Our only goal is that you successfully meet up with your friends. Learn more about participating via SMS

Sharing with 2nd degree friends

When you create an activity, you can optionally share with your friends-of-friends. As your network grows, this can be an exciting way to meed new people who are trusted members of your friend network.  Learn more about sharing with 2nd degree friends.

Help is always a click away

If you get stuck or have questions, you can view out Help Docs or send a message to