Discover Circles and find your people

Discover is the place where you can learn more about and become more connected to your local community. This page features local circles, nearby people you might know and local discoverable groups. Groups are private by default, however organizers can choose to make it semi-public, so that Joinable members can ask to join.


This is a great way to share a little about yourself and your interests, facilitating connections with other members. A circle helps connect you to others with shared interests. As you grow your network in Joinable, Circles will become a rich resource for connecting with others in your local community.

Local Circles you may like, feature interest areas tagged by your current connections and people in your local network (connections of your connections). To add a suggested interest to your profile, click on the Circle to find out more, then ‘Add circle’.

Nearby people you may know

There are three ways to connect with friends on Joinable:

  • As part of the onboarding process when the app can search your contacts for current members

  • Through an invitation shared in the People tab. Find out more.

  • In the Discover tab, where we recommend local people with shared connections, ie. friends of friends.

Nearby people you may know are all people local to you, who have connected already with one of your connections. By clicking on their profile, you can see how you're connected, their interest Circles and their Associations.

You can choose to connect with them, through the black ‘Connect’ button, at which point they will be sent a notification of your request.